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Admissions open for Bachelor of Arts (B.A) & Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) for 2024-2025 Academic Session.
Principal's Message
Helen Lowry College welcomes you and thank you for choosing to be a student in our institution. Coming to Helen Lowry will build a lasting relationship now and the years to come. You are going to be the Ambassador for us to people who are citizen of our great nation. We promise to give you the best education and training as you spend time with us.
This institution started with a humble beginning way back in January 17, 1950, passing through challenges. The present location was an outskirt of Aizawl town with the hurdle of transportation systems.
I salute the pioneer missionaries, dedicated teachers and visionaries who had served in this institution; leaving behind the legacy of hard work and sacrifice. It is our duty now to uphold and finish the unfinished task of the pioneers. It is our privilege for all the teachers, staff and students to bring our institution at greater height.
Thank You
James Chhakchhuak